We had a lesson in Relief Society and they mentioned the Good Better Best talk by Dallin Oaks. I started thinking about how that could apply to Christmas for me. I often end the year wishing I had spent more time thoughtfully for the holidays. So for Family Home Evening we did a list of things that would qualify in those areas for holidays. I love buying gifts and Santa Claus movies but they are not what gives me the greatest spiritual lift. I really dont remember most of who gave what over the years nor do my children. But a child can tell you what they look forward to and love about Christmas time, and its usually family time together. I hope we do this the best this year along wit some personal choices that will create the BEST Christmas . Wouldnt it be ironic in a year where we have little monitarily to have the most gratitude joy and peace.
Terri- You went to the Nativity. Is that the back of my head? JK . Wasn;t it so touching. I cried several times and this is the highlight for me this year. You are so right. I am trying to make the best of it myself. Thank you for helping me along the way.
We do have much to be thankful for.
Thanks Ter! I'm going to ask my kids what they love and do it!
I agree with the whole spending time with family part of Christmas. That's why it's my favorite time of year! :)
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