Ya I have taken full privilige here. I m reporting that on May 30 at 7:20 pm Shawn Taylor Rowley had his first date. His friend Josh called to see if he would go with him and make it a double date. I heard him say I cant I dont have any money. Eagerly but hopefully without to much zeal I said " Yes you do I owe you $20.00 for workin in the yard and with dad in the basement." He said " crap" So he has been 16 for 7 months and isnt overly thrilled about the dating world and the whole pay to go out with someone who doesnt act normal all night thing. But He has been friends for years with Jana Lisa and they talk all the time. ( I think she was the reason he needed a cell phone, so he could talk in his room when I think he is asleep. Any way he called her and the date to see Night at The Museum( 2) was on. He wouldnt say what time because Kate kept threatrening to come to the movie and sit behind him. " Knock it off Kate!!" He spent all of his money because it was necessary he purchase popcorn and drinks. Then he called and asked if thery could all come to our house and play video games. I said " It better be a game girls will play" He said super smash brothers and could you all vacate the living room or even the whole house. I made more treats and picked up the room. The girls got a ride from one of their dads to our house Taylor drove my 10 year old van and Josh had his beater. Shawn and I went for a ride and by grace Gabby was exhausted from a day at 7 peaks and asleep. I came home in time to take these pictures and hear them all laughing and teasing each other. I remember my first date with Kyle Carnahan. I had lots of green eye shadow and a new perm. He wore a red suit and said one sentance to me the whole night. " Do you want a stick of gum" I think Tay did much
better. They seemed comfortable with each other. Ill let
the pictures speak for themselves.
Good job Tay. I never played that game but probably could have used a little more practice. Felicia may have appreciated it. I'm sure he was a perfect gentleman. At least he seems to act like that around most people who's name doesn't start with Gabby.
Aww Taylor! You're such a cute boy and I love ya! Good luck in the dating world, you'll be glad you had all sister, I think it will help ;). Love to all the Rowleys, you're the best!
How cute is that! Good work Tay! She's pretty darn cute too!
Ah. 1st Date. Go Tay!
You can't beat 'm.
Group dates are so awesome.
I wish we had enough friends we could group date with right now, as a matter of fact. What fun!
Oh yeah! Go Taylor. This is awesome. What a great Mom you are Terri. Is it any wonder that this boy is turning out so well?
P.S. Tell me all your secrets cuz Ike will be home in 15 months and I need to get ready to get him on a date
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