Things I Appreciate Right This Minute

  • Energetic school teachers
  • A garage free of mice and clutter
  • 82 degrees by day 62 degrees by night
  • Birthday lunch Plans with my sisters mom and maybe my brother(Felicia your on the sister list)? !!!
  • fresh salsa and peach crisp

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Last week I went to hear a lecture on Positive Psychology. Its had me thinking ever since. The thought is that being happy takes a concious effort, its not about trying to avoid pain or difficulty but rather choosing to have a subjective well being, that include optimism, happiness, and self determination.

One of the principles was about Savoring, I have decided Savoring is going to be my new word , deed and action . Particularly with the holidays approaching. I have been ruminating about a lack of.... money, food storage, time, desire, and hope in general. After all the media is consumed with the negative. In fact There are also historical reasons for psychology's negative focus. When cultures face military threat, shortages of goods, poverty, or instability, they may most naturally be concerned with defense and damage control. Cultures may turn their attention to creativity, virtue, and the highest qualities in life only when they are stable, prosperous and at peace.

Im going to invite my family to join me in choosing our subjective well being. I like the word savor : to take pleasure, enjoy or delight in________. You feel in the blank. we dont have to spend our time in fixing what is wrong we can identify and nurture strenghts in our children, we can be satisfied with a days work, desire a joy filled hour of house cleaning, we can relish a cup of hot chocolate, we can prize the morning sunshine, revere a good neighbor.We can admire God himself in and beyond his gifts. As John Piper said.

Anyway I want to describe such a moment. Last week Kate just showed up in the middle of the week. It may have something to do with tacos. She did laundry and was waiting for it to dry. We were alone in the living room everyone else had gone to bed. I sat next to her on the couch so she could show me an art website she liked. We listened to soft and stirring music , thaat I was surprised she liked. She took my hand and held it laced in hers while we looked at art and quietly chose pieces we liked best. I was taking great pleasure and delighting in every moment .All these things were forms of Savoring. Savoring is defined as any thoughts or behaviors capable of generating, intensifying, and prolonging enjoyment. In other words, savoring is a way to access and prolong positive emotions. So Im choosing to still savor that particular moment.

A Dr. Fred Bryant (who coined the term “savoring”) says that savoring can take three forms related to the timing of the thing being savored. Some like to savor the past through reminiscing, others savor the future through the anticipation of things to come, and others enjoy just being in the present. Through his research, Dr. Bryant has also confirmed that savoring is very beneficial and healthy. Those who regularly and frequently savor are happier and more satisfied with life in general, they are more optimistic, and they are less depressed.

I guess the question we can ask is......... "What makes one moment better than another?"

I want to hear what simple things you are savoring


Amy said...

Good information. Here are some of the things I am savoring:
Future-wise, I am savoring the idea of having a new little baby to enjoy and cuddle.
Past-wise, I am savoring the afternoon spent in nature with my family.
Present-wise, I am savoring a quiet evening.

Unknown said...

Terry, very insightful. I "savored" your many things to savor. For me, I enjoy the simple pleasure of new ideas or new ways of thinking about old ideas. As President Kimball used to say, "what you think about when there's nothing to think about is the measure of your character." You Rowleys are thoughtful people...

Molly Thorne said...

I love the word Savor. I am savoring the stories I am reading to prepare for yet another Sunday lesson. I am also savoring sweet Sophie and the fact that I can still cuddle her up in a little ball and tuck her up to my chin and make her giggle. I also recently savored mongolian beef for dinner and hot chocolate with hazelnut creamer. Just to name a few, Oh and Dawson's goal in soccer, the moment he did his victory dance and a big thumbs up.

JP Anderson said...

Neither one of us are working much at all. I have been savoring all the time Felicia and I get to spend together. Just her and I. Cooking, cleaning, studying...etc. We do everything together and it makes me so happy when I realize there is no one else I'd rather be with. I have also been savoring my morning scripture studies. Everything is peaceful and quiet. It as if the world is showing reverence to that important time for me.

Ging said...

What a divine blog!! I am savoring the joy of having a missionary son who loves the work. I am savoring an afternoon conversation with my thoughtful &intelligent daughter. I savor the way Ellie mispronounces words all day. I savor the unexpected dialogue that occurs regularly between me and my 6 year old. I savor just having Scott near. I savor seeing things from a new perspective and discovering that they still work and sometimes, even often they work better.