Well all of the posts about Brit have got me thinking. I remember our last holiday get togethers before she left for the land of bananas and stinky fish . There was lots of arm wrestling, not sittin on Santas lap we had to be careful because Mick had been recovering from a heart problem so mom didnt want us to sit on his lap. Mostly I remember Brit and the camera. EVERYWHERE! Shehad tons of pictures taken with her next to someone she loved. I dont really have this fabulous memory, Ginger has that. I do have little snap shots of poignant moments in life trapped in my memory banks. However Brit did a computer dump on my free space agent . Because she is one "just in case,.. lets be sure girl." So we protected her precious stuff, before she left. These are some of her last pictures that Im taking liberties with her captured moments of those days .
I love it because everything is written on Wendys face; in fact I look at it and I start to cry. How can something so good hurt so bad?? I am very fond of tears. Mine embaress me because my children automatically look down the isle at me when the primary children sing at church or when I hear Come thou Fount of Every Nation. Icry at any event where a persons true potental shines. Track meet, school play , swimming lessons, or pre school graduation. I dont much care if I know ya either I will cry for a stranger who wins the Tour de France.Tears are the truest expression of our vulnaribility as humans. What other living organism does that. I love... tears of loss and grief, tears of sorrow for mis deeds, tears of jubilation. Tears of gratitude are my personal favorite because I litteraly feel my heart almost swell with this intensity of how blessed I am. Its better that any pain killer because I can feel nothing but warm and gentle love. Love without judgement or concern for the pains that have been or will be in my life. It is an all encompassing expression to cry tears of gratitude. So I will be there on the 12th to watch my favorite tears fall. I will bring Wendy a white hanky to catch them in because they are that priceless. There are few moments in our life when the world slows and we see the full fruitful vision of our efforts. Thank you Brit for honoring your good parents with the blessing of such moments.